
I love u , my boy . ♥

12th Sept 是我的他的生日,当然要好好庆祝一番。他特地从他的家乡赶下来和我一起度过他的生日。其实,是我想去找他,给个惊喜他。但是了解我的他,早就知道我的计划,为了不要让我那么累和危险,他就亲自把自己送上门了,哈哈~但是真的很对不起,没有个给他买到蛋糕,没得吹蜡烛。到现在我还有一点遗憾。 原因是我们都吃太腻了,都吃不下蛋糕了,只能带他去看看蛋糕就补番数了。

Celebration dinner at Tony Roma's

miya & the birthday boy . ♥

Hunting for his favourite Lamp chop .... tsk tsk tsk

1/2 Asian fried chicken salad .
It was cheap and so yummy .

Cranberry fizz

Garlic butter with toast

His . Grilled lamb with coleslaw and baked potato ( My super loved ) .

He was satisfied with his delicious lamb chop . (:

At last. The dessert .
Crispy cinnabon apple with ice-cream top.

His birthday gift from me .
Braun buffel wallet . ♥

p/s Happy Birthday to you and I always love you.. even in our bad days. (;
from your love, ♥ .

